Anupama 9th -16th July 2022 Weekly Update

A lot of twists have happened in the latest episode of Anupama. Anupama finds that Pakhi and Adhik are in the cafe and then she goes and makes them understand that they should focus on their careers.

Later Vanraj comes there and gets angry . On the other hand, Anuj gets to know the truth about Ankush and Barkha. He gets sad that they have not told the truth.


Anupama goes to the shah house. Vanraj tells that he will now no more allow Pakhi to go to the college. Anuj goes to meet Anupama in the dance academy.

But he does not find her over there and waits for her to come. He remembers the past memories in the dance academy. Anuj them sees anupama coming.

He tells her that he wants to say something to her and takes her inside then he tells her that he wanted to tell her the truth about Ankush and Barkha.

Anuj tells that actually Ankush and Barkha faced loss in their business so they came back. He says that he loves them but from now he can no more trust them.

He tells Anupama that from the house to the company Anupama is the owner of everything.He tells that she should never hand over these things to anyone.

Anuj tells her to promise.He tells that life is unpredictable,and anything can happen at any time. Suddenly a mirror falls and breaks. Anupama screams she sees that anuj has got hurt.

Then she does the first aid.Later both of them gets to know that they are ready to become Foster parents of Anu. The next day Anuj goes to Mumbai to bring Anu.

Anupama prepares cake for Anu and she gets excited. Everyone gets shocked to know when anu comes to the house. Pakhi tells everyone that Anuj and Anupama have become Foster parents.

After hearing this everyone gets shocked. She also says that Anuj and Anupama are coming to introduce anu to the family.Vanraj open the door and finds three of them standing over there.

Anu meets everyone and she gets happy.Then vanraj tells Anuj and Anupama that now it is useless telling anything to them because they have already done the thing.

Anuj tells that it is his daughter and he can do anything for her and he will not any permission from anyone in this matter. Anupama also tells that both of them will manage everything.

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