Meet Episode Sneak Peek 13th January 2022: Warning! Anubha asks Meet to careful be about Manushi


Meet 13th January 2022 update: In today’s episode it will be seen that anuva reaches the Ahlawat mansion. She tries to take Manushi from there. Meet makes understand that Manushi is not well and the doctor has told her to take rest. Meet says that Manushi is recovering but still doctor has said that she should not take stress.

She says that that is the only reason she has kept Manushi over there so that she can take care of her. Anubha warns her about Manushi she says that money she can destroy everything and her family. On the other hand Manushi decides to drink the cleaning detergent.

Meet stops her from doing on this and takes her to the hall. Babita gets angry on Anubha she says that her behaviour is very bad towards her daughter. The police arrives in the mansion. The police tells that someone has complain that someone is trying to do suicide.

The Police says that a person is being forced to do suicide. Ragini tells Babita that it must be Masoom who is doing all this Rajvardhan tells the police that there must be a misunderstanding because there is nothing happening like that in that house.

The police denies to listen to him and tells that he wants to meet Manushi. The police goes to Manushi and asks that who is trying to kill her she points at meet. Rajvardhan says that this is not possible because with can never to like this. Manushi says that she is asking me to bring a glass of water.

She tells police that there is no one in the household things bad for her. The police tells that if he gets to know something like that is again happening in the house then he will not leave and he will do the inspection over there. Meet says that she is proud to see honest police officer.

She tells the name of her father to the police officer the police officer asks what is she doing over there she says that actually it is her in laws. On the other hand Sunaina riches the mansion she takes blessing from everyone when she finds Tej she gets emotional. She thinks that why no one has informed her about tej.

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