Kundali Bhagya – January 17, 2022: Preeta is still alive

Kundali Bhagya January 17 2022

Prithvi calls the police and ask them to show that Preeta is really dead when he sees that he gets happy. She tells the police to check whether really she is there or not.

The polices tell that Preeta is dead he does not listen to them and ask them to check again. The polish cost to check when he realises that the car can blast at any time.

In the police runs away from their there sure Prithvi that Preeta is really date. On the other hand Sameer and Karan discuss about Preeta.

Karan says that he thinks that Preeta has done nothing and it is a plan of Prithvi and Nagre. He says that he will be going to the police station to bring back Preeta.

Sherlyn overhears the conversation and goes to Prithvi, she says to him that it can be dangerous. If preeta really dies Then there would be problem in his life.

She says that if Preeta really dies then everyone will be pointing fingers at him. He says that if anything is not easy like that.

He says that if anything happens to her then Karan will be blamed, after hearing Prithvi’s plan Sherlyn gets surprised. She says that he has become more dangerous.

Prithvi then calls Nagre and invites him to the party but he says that you will be not attending the party because he is not well. But Prithvi asks him to come because it is his orders.

On the other hand Preeta wakes up she finds a snake in front of her she prays to God. Soon the snake goes away and Preeta comes out of the car and saves herself from the car blast.

On the other hand Karan goes to the police station and reports about Preeta. The police man says that he has spoken to his colleagues and the college has told that no one has arrested Preeta.

He asks that when did he see Preeta the last time and what was the conversation between them. Karan says that he was very angry at her.

The police tells that it can be that he is responsible for all these. Karan says that it can be like that and he says that He has told her earlier to him that it is Nagre who has done all days.

After hearing the name of nagre the police ask him that why he did not tell his name first He immediately asks The Other police force to come and tells that they must leave.

His tells Karan that they does not know how bad is Nagre and what can he do the police tells him that he can do anything that they can’t even think.

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