Bhagya Lakshmi episode 3rd January 2022

bhagya lakshmi

Bhagya Lakshmi episode 3rd January 2022: Neha calls Aayush and confirms to rano that Lakshmi is missing. She says that they can’t miss this opportunity and they have to use this opportunity.Rano ask that what will she do he says that she will do something which no one could ever think.

On the other hand Ayush and Virendra starts finding Lakshmi this show her photo to everyone on the route and start asking about Lakshmi but unfortunately most of the people tells that they does not know that who is she. Karishma and Neelam also struggle to find log Lakshmi.

Suddenly ayush stops the car after seeing something. Rishi also stops the car and asks that why have they stopped the car. Aayush shows the piece of cloth hanging from the tree. Rishi runs to the tree and start screaming evidence that thinking that Lakshmi has ended her life.

The police constable gets to know from a lady who comes over there and tells that Lakshmi came over there for her husband and she left . Rishi tells that he is feeling that nothing can happen to Lakshmi and she can’t attempt suicide. Virendra says that they don’t even have a heart.

Virendra says that he feels like Lakshmi does not deserve them at all .Neelam asks him to control himself he says to receive that it is something happens to his daughter Lakshmi then he will not accept him as his son. The Inspector comes there and asks whether Rishi is the husband of Lakshmi.

Neelam tells that Rishi is not involved in all this the Inspector tells that he does not want any explanation he just wants to know Rishi tells that he is the husband of Lakshmi Inspector asks that how can they let Lakshmi take a drastic step like this.

Dadi, Ahana and Devika prays for Lakshmi. Sonia informs everything to Malishka. Kiran comes to Malishka and tells that Viraj has called and he wants to speak to her and he sounds like he is angry. Maliska tells that he is not interested in speaking to him at this moment.

Karishma and Neelam goes to Neha and rano and they start finding Lakshmi but they fail to find her. Neha asks whether everything is ok Neelam tells that they have the right to know. Karisma explains to them each and every thing that has happened to them.

Virendra returns home Malishka comes and asks whether they have got any information regarding Lakshmi. Virendra gets angry on her and tells that she does not have any feelings for anyone. Malishka tries to defend herself but Virendra says that he has always thought that she was like his daughte. He tells that if anything happens to Lakshmi then he will not leave her and Rishi.

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