Bhagya Lakshmi episode 1st January 2022: Virendra slaps Rishi, will Lakshmi attempt suicide?

Bhagya Lakshmi episode 1st January 2022: Virendra gets to know that Rishi was going to marry Malishka when he was already married to Lakshmi. He gets only she slaps him he says that he has betrayed everyone including him.

Virendra tells Rishi that he is responsible for all these problems.Lakshmi stands near cliff edge. On the other hand Viraj and his grandfather also gets to know about all this from the lady who comes with Kiran to that house.

Virendra tells Rishi that he has betrayed Lakshmi. The photo frame of Lakshmi and Rishi falls down Neelam picks it up and keeps on the table. Virendra tells that if anything happens to Lakshmi then receive will be responsible for that.

He says that Lakshmi is like his own daughter and he can’t tolerate all this happening to his daughter he says that if anything happens because of Rishi then he will not leave anyone including the family.

Neelam tells that she knows that she has done a very big mistake. Virendra says that it is not a mistake it is betrayal.Rishi says he didn’t find Lakshmi anywhere. Dadi says she might went to her Chachi place.

Virendra breaks down completely and starts crying. Rishi says that Lakshmi came and he so Lakshmi sad, upset and also very angry.He says that he has never seen Lakshmi before like that.

Rishi tells that when he was looking at her eyes he felt that she was broken from inside. He says that after that Lakshmi ran away from there but he was unable to follow her.

Virendra decides that he will go himself to find out Lakshmi, he says Ayush will follow him. Aayush agrees to help him out to find Lakshmi. Rishi says that he will also go to find out Lakshmi.

Virendra stops Rishi and tells him not to show the fake concern about Lakshmi. He asks Rishi to pray to God so that they can find out Lakshmi. Virendra goes to the police station and asks asks the police inspector to file a complaint against missing.

Inspector says that he can’t help them because the missing report can be only registered only after 24 hours of missing. He says that he will help them unofficially and asks that where have they seen Lakshmi for the last time. The Inspector notes download the details and asks his main to look for Lakshmi.

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