Bhagya Lakshmi Big Update: High Voltage drama is going on in Zee TV daily soap Bhagyalakshmi. In the latest track, Lakshmi saves a boy named Amar. She goes to the hospital with the boy for his treatment.
Darshan makes fun of his friend he tells his friend that it is the third time in a row that he has come to the hospital. Lakshmi gets a call from the interview but she ignores it.
Neelam goes to find Lakshmi. She gets to know that she is not at home. She tells that she has done the wrong thing by leaving the house for a simple misunderstanding.
Shalu tells Neelam that her sister is not wrong at all. She tells that when they came to that city they didn’t have their parent but they had their sister and she is the strength for them.
On the other hand lakshmi gets the call from the company she gets to know that the job has been given to some one else.She gets upset.
Darshan asks her whether she will be able to work in his company. Later Lakshmi returns home and tell her sisters that she has got a job and they will pay her Rs.15000.
Preetam tells that their dad would have been so happy. Later on Lakshmi looks at her parents’ pic and recalls her father’s words. She says I will take care of my sister.