Starplus Anupama S01 Episode 20th January 2022


Anupama episode 20th January 2022: The episode starts with vanraj and Malvika speaking to each other. He says that he worried about the family and problems.

He says that he has decided that it now he will only look after his work and will not pay attention to the problems in the house.

Vanraj tells that he is very alone and no one supports him. On the other hand Anupama tells Anuj that parents should teach children how to behave nicely.

Parents should teach children that do what is right but vanraj is teaching wrong things to the children.Vanraj tells that he will work hard and prove himself.

He says that he knows very well that Anuj does not like him. He says that it is only because he is a very big businessman. Vanraj says that he will prove himself.

Vanraj tells that he is alone and no one understands him. He tells that Malvika is also alone and she I can understand his problem.

He asks her whether she will support him or not. Malvika tells that she will support him. Anupama says that Malvika needs to take the medicine and she will go there to give the medicine.

Malvika and vanraj also each others hands and promise that they will support each other. Anupama watches all these gets shocked.

She Goes and tells Malvika that she needs to take the medicine.Vanraj stills Anupama to keep all the details of the medicine and he will manage everything for Malvika.

Anupama says that there is no need for him to manage things because she can manage. Malvika receives a call and she goes from there.

Kinjal asks samar to eat the food. On the other hand Anupama tells vanraj to stay away from Malvika. He asks Anupama to leave.

He says that he has lots of work to do. Anupama thinks that Malvika is believing on vanraj and that can be dangerous. Malvika comes there and anu gets hurt.

Anuj takes care of her. Anuj tells if they were in childhood then they would have called themselves as Sona, Babu and etc.

He realise that and form is not paying attention to him, he asks what you should be thinking about. Later he prays to god so that everything is ok in Anupama’s life.

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