Meet S01 Episode 14th December 2021: Meet Ahlawat thinks that Meet has a BoyFriend


Meet sees that meet ahlawat is sleeping.She decides to go to her mother and stay over there so that she can prepare for exams as well as she will take care of her mother.The next morning she asks meet ahlawat that why is he sad.Meet questions meet ahlawat that can she go to see her mother.

Meet ahlawat thinks that it must be that the boy meet was speaking to is from shahbad.He tells meet that she can to her mother’s place.He thinks that his love story could not be true so he will make meet’s love story successful.Meet leaves from there.

Meet ahlawat starts finding the pictures of Manushi that he has kept. He gets the pictures he puts the pictures in the almirah meet watches all these thinks that she knows very well that it is the picture of Manushi. She thinks that it is very difficult for someone to forget their love.

On the other hand Kunal traps Manushi. He blindfolds her and later calls from another mobile. Kunal takes help from another man. The calls Manushi and tells that she should keep all the jewellery to the baba who will come there. Meet ahlawat calls deep and tells that he has said the right thing he tells that meet is in love with someone else.

Deep says that he was only joking and he should not take it seriously he says that meet can never do like this. Meet tells that he told is at he told it as a joke but that thing is that it has become the truth.Deep says it might be some confusion.

At that time someone throws a stone and meet gets the stone he thinks that who can throw a stone inside the house. He takes the stone and finds that it is a message for someone in the paper. He reads the paper he gets to know that someone is waiting outside.

On the other hand Isha gets afraid saying this.Later meet ahlawat thinks that it is no one but meets’s Lover. She finds that meat has still not left, he finds meet speaking on the phone that she could not go due to some important work with.Meet tell that actually she had to take the the reports of her dadi.

Meet ahlawat starts asking her that does she like the boys with coloured hairs. She tells that was he asking all this questions. She tells that it doesn’t matter that how many one looks it only matters that how the person is.Baba comes Manushi and asks for jewellery. Manushi asks him to release Kunal first but he insists her to give jewellery.

Meet ahlawat thinking that whether he has got old fashioned he tries to make himself smart by wearing some good clothes. He starts thinking that why is he doing all this. He decides to help meet and her lover to come together. On the other hand Rajvardhan sits in the hall with some guests.

Rajvardhan gets to know that Babita is not getting the jewellery is everyone goes Amit Babita but the tells that the jewelleries are missing. Rajvardhan tells that there is no need to worry because the Jewelleries must be there he tells that maybe the jewelries are misplaced.

Isha gets scared she tries to go away from there, but her mother does not let her go she tells that she has to attend important lecture.Ragini stops her and asks her to help them to find jewellery. Meet notices Isha is holding her bag. Babita tells Rajvardhan that it was within you servant.

Meet tells that she should not tell like this about the servant.Meet tells to them that she have idea to find the culprit as his friends knows where they sell the stolen things. Meet thinks that it must be Isha who has done all this because of those guys who were disturbing her that day.

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