Meet S01 9th December 2021 :Meet gets scolding from babita

meet update

Rajvardhan tells Babita that he is extremely happy for what she has done. Babita tells that she has done everything for her son she says that when children are small parents asks them for everything.

So that everything happens according to them but during her son’s wedding they could not give they are son that much happiness. Babita tells that it was she who has trained meet so that she can become meet ahlawat’s life partner.

Rajvardhan tells that this is the reason why he loves her so much. In the dining table everyone sits with the dinner. Masoom tells that the Kachori is very good and tasty.

Rajyavardhan goes to take one of the Kachori when Babita stops him. She tells him that today he can it Kachori not one but two he gets happy.

Babita tells that she has also made Rajma and raita the which he loves the most. Guddu comes and tells Isha that someone is calling her from a long time.

Isha tells that it is some telemarketing company who is disturbing her so much. Meet tells that she should the give the phone to her and have her dinner. But she says that she should not take her phone and takes it from her.

Rajvardhan tells that he would like to have some black salt. Meet goes to the picture and does not find it she thinks that must be that the salt is not there in the kitchen.

She goes to bring the black salt Babita gets irritated thinking why is it taking so much time. Meet Masoom tells that she went to bring the Salt from the market Babita scolds her.

Babita tells her that how can she go out she tells that it is late night and women of the house are not allowed to go out.Meet says that there was no black so that’s why she went to bring it.

Masoom tells that he does not even know that where is the black salt kept in the kitchen and she brings the black salt. She tells that she does not want to eat anymore and leaves from there.

Chachi asks Masoom to come with her to the kitchen, she says that she must have some tea and asks Masoom to bring the tea from the kitchen.

Masoom fails to find out then her chachi let’s understand that she is there in the house from childhood but still she does not know, where things are kept in the kitchen and meet, has came to that house few days.

She tells that she knows that Masoom’s does not want to hurt anyone and ask her to speak properly to everyone. Rajvardhan tells that he is very happy with meet.

On the other hand Kunal takes Manushi to a society. Manushi asks that where is the bungalow. Kunal tells that his father is very strict and the driver gives a letter to him.

He reads in letter and tells Manushi that his father ones that they stay over there and struggle. He says that his father wants to prove Manushi that she is eligible to become the daughter in law of that house.

Manushi gets irritated. Kunal tells that but he does not want anything he says that both of them will work hard and make their living. Manushi tells that she is ready to accept the challenge which his father has given her.

On the other hand meet thinks that day by day pressure is increasing and now she have to also look after her studies along with the household works.Meet ahlawat comes and asks her to come and start studying.

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