Anupama ‘Big Twist’ Update -Rohan tries to hit Anupama


All the society people gathers to start the garba dance.Samar reaches there and starts looking for Rohan.Vanraj come stay and ask him to stay with family.

Anupama locks the doors and windows and thinks that Rohan does not have the confidence to come in the gathering. But Rohan stands behind her.

Rohan makes up land that he will be hurting Anupama because samar loves his mother very much. Kinjal and Pakhi consoles Nandini and says that nothing will happen.

They ask Nandini to stay with them and to be safe.Samar thinks that was Anuj not coming , he thinks of looking for Anupama.

Vanraj ask that where is he going he says that he is going to look for Anupama, she says that he does not have to go anywhere . He says that Anupama will come very soon.

Anupama finds Anuj in the colony she asks that what is he doing over there he says that actually samar has invited him. He says that GK has already gone to the garba dance area.

Anuj tells Anupama that he has already messaged her. Anupama tales sorry for not reading the message on time. Anuj tells that he does not want any problem in anupama’s life.

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Anupama says that as a friend he has always been beside her and this is her time to pay respect to him. She asks him to come with her.

Vanraj find Anuj and Anupama entering the hall together. Anuj says vanraj that everything is ok , Rohan will do nothing. Anuj gets to know that samar has still not informed the family.

He gets angry on him he goes and asks samar that why has he not told his family about Rohan till now, he says that he will inform to family the next day.

Anupama goes to bring some water bottles, when Rohan tries to hit Anupama from behind with a lot but Anuj catches him red handed.

Anuj tells Rohan that if something happens to Anupama then he will not leave him, Rohan tells Anuj that he does not know who is he.

Anuj says that his father has done some illegal activities few years ago and has left India. Anuj tells Rohan that if he tries to do anything to Nandini or Anupama then he will tell everything to the police.

Rohan asks that why is he bringing his father in all these Anuj questions that why is Rohan bringing Anupama in all this. Anuj makes him understand that what he is saying love is not love.

Anuj tells that now he will be calling Nandini and samar and Rohan will be apologizing to them. Anupama gives water to Leela , leela again starts taunting her for being with Anuj.

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