Arbaaz Khan’s girlfriend Georgia Andreyani 5 sexy pics and videos

georgia arbaaz girlfriend

Georgia Arbaaz Khan’s girlfriend has posted some photos on the internet which are going viral. According to the reports she is the girlfriend of arbaaz khan.

She is an Italian model and dancer. Georgia is one of the hottest and boldest celebrities in the Hindi film industry.

Arbaaz Khan’s girlfriend Georgia

Georgia has been popular because of her relationship with arbazz. She has been spotted along with him in parties and functions.

She keeps on posting videos and photos on her Instagram profile and she is very active and her social media accounts.

Not only pictures but she also post some videos which her fans should not miss at all. As soon as she posts some pictures on her Instagram the pictures goes viral in the social media.

Arbaaz Khan and Georgia dating each other

Arbaaz and Georgia both started dating each other and it has been a while after this. He was married to Bollywood actress Malaika Arora but after he got divorced he started dating her.

Arbaaz Khan is 54 years old, his girlfriend and international model and dancer Georgia Andriani is 32 years old.

Malaika is presently dating actor Arjun Kapoor, both of them are seen together in parties and functions and has been also spotted in family functions.

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