Anupama Written Update 1st September 2022 Promo

Anupama Written Update 1st September 2022 Promo

Anupama Written Update 1st September 2022 Promo: Anupama thinks that why toshu is not there and where is toshu.

Rakhi comes to the hospital and gets emotional seeing her daughter is now a mother and she has become a grandmother.

She takes the baby in her arms and then she starts crying she doesnot believe that she has become a grand mother.

Anupama consoles her and says that it is moment of happiness for them and they should celebrate the moment together.

Rakhi asks them about toshu she says that he should at the hospital at the moment .

She gets angry on him and goes from there. Anupama tells vanraj that there is something that rakhi is not telling them .

Rakhi all alone.Anupama goes to her and asks that what is wrong with her and why is she crying.

Anupama 31st august 2022 Recap

Anupama tells the shah’s that they have become grandparents now. She also tells that they are gifted with a baby girl.

Vanraj tells her to give the news to anuj and he tells that he will give the news to the others.

Anupama calls Anuj and tells them about the news that they have become grandparents now.

Anuja and Anupama congratulate each other. Anupama says that she will now go to meet the baby.

Vanraj and Anupama stands near the baby’s room and they watch the babies.He tells Anupama that how can he identify.

Also read | Anupamaa 31st Aug 2022:Congrats! Kinjal gives birth to a baby girl 👉👉👉

Anupama tells that the baby who is angry like him will be his grandchild.Both of them starts laughing.

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