Anupama 16th August 2022 Update-Barkha tells to do police investigation

Anupama 16th August 2022

Anupama 16th August 2022: Barkha tells that she wants to do the police investigation she says that there will be a Police case and that is definite.

She says that she wants to do the police investigation so that everyone should get to know that who is responsible for all this incident.

Kavya tells that they have already discussed about all this thing and they have got to know what has happened and they should not think about all this now.

Barkha says that she won’t stop over here she will go for the police investigation because she wants to know the truth.

She insults everyone in the hospital Leela gets angry she goes and starts arguing with Barkha. Anupama comes there and she stands shocked.

Anupama asks Kavya to book a cab for both of them so that they can go outside the hospital because maybe Leela and work has forgotten that they are in the hospital.

Barkha insults Anupama also in front of everyone she says that Anupama can’t say anything to her ex husband.

The doctor calls Anupama and ask her to come into the cabin and she gets a good news that Anuj is recovering slowly slowly.

Anupama gets emotional she starts crying she thanks god for helping them. Anuj opens his eyes and he starts crying.

She tells Anupama that he loves her very much both of them gets emotional. On the other hand work things that she thought that they will get some time because Anuj will be not well.

But she gets angry she thinks that it seems to be that the luck is also on their side and that’s why Anuj has got back his senses so fast.

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