Starplus Anupama 9th July 2022:OH NO! Vanraj stops Pakhi from going to college

Starplus Anupama 9th July 2022:Vanraj finds Pakhi’s ID card in the car she thinks that his daughter is absolutely like him when it comes to anger he decides to go back and return the ID card to her.


On the other hand Anupama remembers that adhik has promised her that she will not meet Pakhi again all alone. She joins both of them in the cafe.

She orders three cold coffee. Then she asks Adhik about the promise that he has made to her the last day. On the other hand Barkha thinks about Adhik and gets stressed.

Sara comes soon there and tell her speak to Adhik. Barkha says that why should she speak to him because it is his personal matter.

She tells Barkha that she knows very well that Adhik used to have called friends and Pakhi is not habituated with all these things.

She says that she should stop playing the mind games and speak to him. Barkha says that she does not help any problem with the relation of pakhi and Adhik.

On the other hand Anupama asks adhik. That what were they doing over there he tells that he had come there to make Pakhi understand.

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She asks that when he came there to make her understand then why both of them were holding each others and at what were they doing over there.

Anupama says children always think Parents can be fooled.Vanraj learns that pakhi is not at the college. Suddenly find Anupama, Pakhi and Adhik in the cafe and he gets angry on them.

He gets into the cafe and tells them that they have done a wrong thing he tells Anupama that instead of correcting pakhi she is supporting her in all this.

He holds pakhi hand and decides to take her with him. Anupama asks him to lift the hand and tells that you should not create a scene in the cafe.

Kinjal feels uneasy. Hasmuk and Leela calm Kinjal. Leela wait for Vanraj. anraj along with Anupama and Pakhi enters the house. 

Later Anuj learns shocking news. He gazes at Ankush and sit shocked.Anupama says not everything can be handled furiously. Then Vanraj bans Pakhi from going to the college.

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