Bhagya Lakshmi Ep 296-25th July 2022 Spoiler Alert

Bhagya Lakshmi

Bhagya Lakshmi 25th July 2022 Spoiler Alert: Rishi asks Lakshmi why she so sad. Lakshmi tells that she is upset with him and what film did he watch.

He asks that what is she speaking about she says that like she was asking her that which film has She watched in the same way as now she is asking him the same question.

On the other hand Balwinder tries to escape Aayush tries to catch him. But Ayush falls down. Rishi tells Lakshmi that it will be good because she will be keeping quiet.

Lakshmi says that means that he is happy that she will not speak to him and he does not want to speak to him anymore.

Rishi then tells that actually he wants her to speak he says that when she does not speak to him he feels uncomfortable.

They hear the bell doorbell and goes downstairs to see what is happening. The police come in Rishi’s grandmother get scared seeing them.

She asks the police whether Ayush is in danger or not because he has still not come to the home. But then Lakshmi tells her that they have called the police.

On the other hand Shalu feels something strange is happening. Ayush and Balwinder fight with each other Balwinder hit him on his head and he falls down.

Balwinder thinks that Ayush is dead and he gets scared because now he will be arrested for this case. He tries to wake up Ayush.

Stay tuned to us for the latest update of the show.

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