Bhagya Lakshmi 27th May 2022, Ep 246 Sneak Peek

Bhagya Lakshmi 27th May 2022

Aayush gets angry on Shalu. Rano tells that Lakshmi’s luck is really bad everyone treats her very badly. Bani tell that actually everything is happening due to Shalu and Lakshmi is not responsible for anything.

Lakshmi comes across Malishka. Malishka start shouting at her she asks her you that why you’re always following her.

Shalu tells the truth in front of Rishi. Shalu tells that Malishka should be thankful to her because it is due to her that the wedding is taking place.

She says what Malishka said to the reporters and what she did and says she called the NGO women. Rishi gets shocked to know the truth.

Later on Shalu goes to meet Lakshmi and she tries to make her understand how much she loves me she and how much she loves her.

Lakshmi tells that she does not love her he loves Malishka Shalu makes her understand that both of them are angry at themselves that’s why they are doing all this.

On the other hand Rishi asks Malishka that why she did not tell the truth to him, e z y she did not tell that it is due to Shalu that all this is happening.

Malishka tries to defend herself. She tells that it does not matter what the others are thinking. She also asks Rishi whether he will return to Lakshmi if she has not really done anything.

Rishi tells that he will return to Lakshmi. On the other hand Shalu says to not care about the world and gives courage to Lakshmi.

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