Meet finds that there is lip bum in the car and she gets emotional.Meet ahlawat says that he must leave.on the other hand, manushi finds that she has lost her lip bum.
Meet tells her husband that the day when he will tell that the lip bum girl is best for him that day she will leave him.
Manushi tells Babita that she should take care as she has left her lip bum in the car. Babita says that she will manage everything and she need not worry.
On the other hand, meet gets emotional after seeing the lip balm in the car she thinks that there was some other girl in the car.
Babita comes there and asks that water both of them doing in the car she says that it is her lip bum. She asks meet to give that to her.
She asks her to keep it under the dressing table. Meet ahlawat things that he has to prove to everyone that his wife is the best.
Babita asks her son to leave because Manushi is waiting. On the other hand, the doctor says that Anubha will be ok soon.
The meet comes there and finds that the doctor is over there she asks what is happening. Her grandmother tells her that actually her mother is not well.
She goes to meet her mother her mother asks how is she doing and how are her in-laws. Meet says to her mother everything that happened that morning.
Anubha says that she is not insecure but that feeling that she is having is called love. Later on, while walking on the road meet thinks that her mother was right she is in love.
She starts dancing on the road and she images that her husband is over there she returns home she finds that her husband is sitting in front of her.
She thinks that it was her imagination and she holds him. Her husband asks what is she doing. He says that he is having a very bad headache.
Meet brings tea for him and asks him to have it. She also helps him so that he gets rid of the headache. He thinks that he has to prove that meet is the best.