Meet 2nd February 2022 Spoiler Alert: Will meet win the challenge?


Meet 2nd February 2022 Spoiler Alert: Babita challenges meet and Manushi. She tells both of them have to make delicious Kesari Kheer to meet ahlawat.

Manushi makes the Kheer for meet ahlawat.Meet tell that she could not make it. Babita scolds her and says that she was supposed to make it.

Manushi gives the kheer to meet. He smells it and says that it will be very tasty because it looks like it is very tasty.

He says that he can’t stop eating the kheer and goes to eat it.Meet comes and says that she has brought something for him.

She puts the cup of tea on the table. Manushi says that it is not possible because it is the day to eat Kesari kheer.

She says that it is very simple to make tea.Meet ahlawat takes the cup and smell the tea. He says that he will be first taking the tea.

He says that it feels like it is amazing and it smells like he wants to eat at the roadside shop. He says that it it is delicious.

After hearing this Manushi start feeling jealous of meet.Meet remembers that how she took the help of Rajvardhan to learn how to make good tea.

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