Kundali Bhagya 11 February 2022: The doctor warns Preeta about Mahesh

Kundali Bhagya 11 February 2022

Kundali Bhagya 11 February 2022:The doctor gives the medicine to Mahesh.Prithvi tells that the situation will be in control.

He tells that no one needs to worry. He also remembers how he fought with the doctor to keep Mahesh at the house.

Preeta loses her calm listening to him and asks him why is he pretending to care.She tell sthat he is the one responsible for Mahesh’s situation.

Prithvi then lashes out at him and says that she always blames him. Karan tells him to behave and to remember that she is his wife.

He also tells them that she is the owner of the house. Preeta gets emotional. She tell that no one has to respect her.

The doctors tells that mahesh should be kept in the basement for the treatment.Preeta questions him and asks how can Mahesh be treated if he stays away from everyone.

He tells that if Mahesh is not kept safely then he will sent him to the hospital. He reminds her how Mahesh tried to kill Mona.

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