Zee TV Kundali Bhagya Episode 1161,24th January 2022

Kundali Bhagya

Zee TV Kundali Bhagya Episode 1161: the episode starts with Preeta and Janki Janki Preeta to free alert in that house because everyone is very dangerous over there.

She says that she is not the old Preeta that everyone will to betray her and she will just stand and see. She says that she has changed a lot and should not live with anyone.

Janki says that if she needs any help then she can surely tell her that she will be there helping her. She says that she knows the jhanki will be always with her.

Preeta tell that she will not leave Prithvi and she will take revenge from him for betraying the Luthra family. Natasha stops Prithvi and says that she has a plan.

Natasha tells that she knows that he is very angry on Preeta and wants to take the revenge but she has a good plan. Prithvi asks that what is her plan.

Natasha says that she was brought to that house so that she can get close to Karan and then she will be getting the money.

She says that after Preeta has came to the house she does not think that her plan will be succeeding. She says that she has made another plan which will be successful.

Prithvi ask her to tell the plan but she says that she will do the the plan and executed herself and she leaves from there. Prithvi asks Sherlyn what will she do.

Sherlyn tell that she does not know what is going to know. Prithvi then meets Preeta she will comes back her to the house.

He says that Preeta has came back from the death. Preeta says that and for killing her he has sent four people. She says that she is not the old Preeta.

Preeta tells that if he tries to do anything then she is ready to face everything she says that she is ready to fight not with four but with 400 people at a time.

Both of them start arguing. Preeta says that she will be not leaving him she tells that day will come when we have to tell everybody sorry and he have to leave the house.

She says that if she wanted she could have told him to leave the house on the first day when should come to that house but she did not do that.

He says that she did not do that because Preeta wanted to get all the properties and the business. She says that she is so excited to see the day when he will be apologizing to everyone.

On the other hand Natasha does something with this circuit box. Sherlyn comes there and start finding Natasha she thinks that she was going to do something .

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