Meet Upcoming Major Update: Big Drama!!! Meet Learns the truth about Manushi


A Promo has been released on YouTube. It is seen that Meet gets to know that manushi has created the misunderstanding about her in the ahlawat house.she rides on the bike around her.

She then goes to Manushi and tells that she has got to know the truth she says that she has got to know that she is behind everything.

Manushi laughs and says that it is good that she has got to know the truth she says that she wants to take her husband from her.

And she holds the picture of her with meet ahlawat meet says that that will be never possible because you will never give her husband to anyone.

She gets angry on Manushi and she takes the photo from her and yours the photo. Meet says that she will never give her husband to anyone.

In the latest episode It is seen that meet ask her husband whether he believed her or not. Her husband tells that she has already done things beating others that’s why he was asking.

Meet tell that she is very hurt after hearing this from him because she expected that both of them were coming near each other.

Later on Babita comes to meet and tells that meet ahlawat is not having the dinner she says that everyone is being affected for her.

She goes and asks her husband that why is he not having his dinner and showing their anger on the food. She asks him to do his dinner.

On the other hand Ravi meets Manushi he tell her that he can do anything to get back Sunaina in his life. Manushi tells him that she also once meet Ahlawat in her life.

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