Bhagya Lakshmi Update: Malishka insults Lakshmi in front of everyone

Bhagya Lakshmi Update

Malishka and Rishi go to the same shop where Lakshmi has started working. Malishka meets Lakshmi over there and gets surprised.

She asked what is she doing over there the receptionist comes and asks whether both of them know each other or not.

The woman asks Lakshmi to step behind and to keep her eyes down. The woman informs Malishka that generally, they don’t take freshers for the job.

She says that Lakshmi has a good relationship with the owner of the shop that’s why she got the job. Malishka says that they should not ever hire any fresher.

Lakshmi tells her that she is a new member of the shop that so she is taking time to learn things. The woman asks her to be herself and to speak politely to Malishka.

Rishi tries to choose a beautiful necklace for Malishka but he fails to choose one. He suddenly finds Lakshmi in the mirror.

He turns around to see where is Lakshmi and is it Lakshmi or not, but he does not see her in the shop. On the other hand Malishka thinks that it would be very difficult if somehow Rishi and Lakshmi meets each other.

Bollywood News Update

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