Anupama Episode 29th Jan 2022 Major Update

Anupama Episode 29th January 2022:Malvika speaks to anuj.She tells that if vanraj faces some problem in the office then she will leave the office.

She says that she made a mistake by working in the same office. Anuj says that the office is for her.he says that if she faces some problem then she can tell to him.

He tells that she should not bring personal things to the workplace. She asks that then why he brought Anupama to the office.

Anupama hears the conversation and gets surprised. Malvika tells that if vanraj faces some problem then she will surely leave the office.


Anupama goes to Anuj and she asks him what happened he says nothing happened, Anupama asks him not to pretend that nothing has happened.

Anuj tells that he have to do something. Anupama asks him what he will be doing. She says that we must not do anything because of which Malvika goes away from him.

On the other and Kavya wakes up and tries to take out something from vanraj bag.Vanraj wakes up and tells that now she got this much suspicious that she is checking his bag.

She says that she was only looking for the bum because her head is paining. Anuj and anupama’s speaks to each other.

Anuj tell that Malvika is still working. Anupama says that it is very much normal. He says that is not normal because in the other Malvika does not work late night.[Read more | Anupama upcoming episode 31st January 2022 Promosode]

Anuj asks Anupama what will happen if one day he comes to the road.She says that this will never happen because he is rich from his heart.

A rose Falls from The Diary of Anuj. He says that he wanted to give this rose to her when both of them were in college

Anupama says that that is because it is the most beautiful rose. Both of them sits together on the sofa and look at each other.

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