Meet Episode Spoiler Alert: WHAT! Meet Ahlawat feels suspicious about meet


Meet 13th December 2021

High voltage drama will be seen in the upcoming episodes of serial meet.In the latest episode it is seen that meet goes to meet her mother and grandmother.

Meet’s grandmother gets emotional seeing her. Anubha tells meet that after manushi has left the house her grand mother is upset.Meet says her mother to go for an outing.

Later on, meet goes to Isha’s tuition. Meet finds that some boys are disturbing isha she slaps the boy isha tells meet to stay away from her friends.

After coming home meet ahlawat tells meet that they should leave isha because isha is very intelligent, meet tells that sometimes the situation makes people take wrong decisions.

In the upcoming episode it will be seen that meet ahlawat finds that meet is not there in the bed.He decides to find out where is meet.

He starts finding meet when he hears a male voice he follows the voice and reaches the place from where the sound is coming.He thinks that who is there outside speaking to meet.

Video owned by Zee5

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