Meet 31st December 2021: AWW! Meet Ahlawat to kiss Meet


Meet struggles to walk in her new dress. Meet and her husband finds that everyone is dancing was there. The host tells that they will now play a game.

The first tells that in the game each couple will be asked 3 questions and the couple who answered the most of the questions will be in the game. The host asks few questions to meet and she answers all the questions correctly and she wins him.

Meet tells her husband that they must click some pictures so that they can show their family when they returned back that they have enjoyed. Both of them starts clicking the pictures.

And by mistake both of them stands under the Mistletoe plant and starts clicking the photos everyone suddenly starts clapping for them. Both of them get surprised to see that everyone is clapping and watching them. Meet asks her husband that why are they clapping and watching them.

Meet ahlawat sees that they are standing under the Mistletoe plant he tells her that by mistake they are standing on that the Mistletoe plant and the couples who stand under this plant kiss each other. Meet gets shocked to hear this.

Both of them get apart from each other and tell that they are not standing on the plant but everyone over there starts clapping and encouraging them to kiss each other. Meet ahlawat takes off his blazer and covers both of them he tells meet that for the first time she is looking so much afraid.

Everyone thinks that both of them and kissing each other. Manushya watches all this and gets jealous she decides to remove meet from her way.Later meet drink some juice she says that she wants to play with the kids, and she goes to play with them.

Suddenly she feels dizzy and Manushi continuously follows her as soon as she gets unconscious Manu she catches her and put her somewhere else and ties her hand with rope. She decides that she will remove meet from her life so that she can live with meet ahlawat.

This video is owned by Zee5

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