Meet 18th December 2021:Meet and meet ahlawat’s honeymoon plan

Meet 18th December 2021

Raj asks meet that where does they want to go.Meet tells that they should decide for them.Masoom tells that what will she tell as she has never went out of shahbad.

Raj tells masoom to tell that where they should go.Masoom tell that they should go to goa.Babita comes and tells that no one have to decide anything ,she tells that she has a friend who is from the royal family and tells that meet and meet ahlawat must go to rajasthan.

On the other hand Kunal gives money to the driver and tells him to stay away from his house. The driver tells that it is his own house and he has to stay out of the house for them. Kunal tells that it is the last night after this he will be not there will leave from there.

Babita asks meet ahlawat whether he is ready to go there or not he says that if she has to send location it must be the best. Everyone agrees that both of them are going to Rajasthan.Meet starts thinking that how has she completed her syllabus for exams are coming near.

Meet ahlawat messages her and asks her to come to the garden she goes there and asks that why you see calling her. He says that he wants to tell something to her she also tells that she also wants to tell something to him. Meet asks that why did he say ok that they will be going for the trip.

He says that the trip is very important for him. He tells that he thought that she is not happy in the relationship that’s why she is looking for someone else and she made an mistake. He tells that you in that time he thought about Manushi and after this trip he wants to forget Manushi.

She gives the mobile to her and tells that she can cancel the tickets whenever she want. Meet ahlawat things that she has cancel the tickets he tells that why did she cancelled the tickets. She tells that she has not cancel the ticket she has only put their name because they have to pack the luggage.

The next day Kunal and Manushi decides to leave. Kunal tells Manushi to see that his father has sent the car. He tells that they should put the luggage behind the car. Manasi says that she won’t put it because it has a lot of jewellery and she does not trust driver.

Meet and her husband starts packing the luggage. She finds that her husband is packing her shoes she asks that was he touching her shoes. He says that he does not ask anything when she touches his shoes he tells that he is packing their bags.

Mani kaka comes and inform them that Rajvardhan and Babita calling them. Meet goes to Babita and meet ahlawat goes to rajvardhan. Babita and Rajvardhan both makes meet and meet ahlawat understand that both of them should be like husband and wife in this trip they say that they will try their best. Masoom overhears all this conversation.

Masoom tells chabi that why is she sitting there.Chabi tells that she will leave for delhi and then she will start dating a handsome boy.Masoom tells that she will not allow them to go for the trip.Meet calls anubha and hears a lot of noise.

Anubha tells that her grandmother is so happy that she is going to the trip that all the neighbors are celebrating.Masoom tells that they have to hurt meet’s family to stop them from going on the trip. Meet tell her mother that Babita has told her that in this trip she must try to get close to her husband.

Anubha says that it is very good news because that missed the family has accepted her. She asks her to listen to whatever they are telling. Meet asks that when they are coming .Anubha tells that her grandmother is dancing with the neighbours once only sends they will leave.

Kunal starts acting in front of Manushi that the car is having some problem. Manushi tell him that once they go to his house then they will enter the luxurious house and they need not to worry. The driver very cleverly takes out the suitcase and exchanges it.

Anubha and meet’s grandmother reaches the house. Her grandmother gives her the things she has brought for her.Meet ask her to come with them for the trip her grandmother asked her not to say like this.Anubha also tell her to keep quiet.

The family welcomes them mani kaka brings you for them Masoom intentionally pushes meet’s grandmother and the juice falls on her.On the other hand Kunal tell Manushi to go to the hotel and have some food because she has not taken any foot since the morning. He calls the auto and asks Manushi to go.

Kunal very cleverly takes out all the Jewelleries from the bag.Meet tells that she will take her grandmother to the washroom. Manushi tell the auto driver to return back to the car. Kunal leaves from there without seeing at her. But the car stops. Kunal gets out of the car.

Manushi goes and asks him that what happened. She finds the bag of jewellery in his hand. She gets shocked she asks that whether he was only acting as if he wanted the jewelry. But Babita calls her at that moment anubha asks her to listen to her mother-in-law. Sunaina takes dadi to the washroom.

She receives a call call,dadi tell her to receive the call she tells that you will receive the call later on.Dadi tell her to receive the call and she will find out the washroom on hard on. Masoom watches all this she thinks that now dadi will meet the accident and fall down on the floor. But meet comes and saves her.

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