Kundali Bhagya S01 27th December 2021: Will Karan get married to Natasha?

Kundali Bhagya 27th December 2021

Prithvi tells Preeta that she was really great because she got married to Karan and not him. He asks her to imagine that how would be her life if she would have married him. He asks her to take the money from there and just leave.

He tells her that he is the owner of the house and not only that he is the owner of the business. He says that he keeps everyone at his foot he says that the shoe that he is wearing is of 1 lakh , and the watch that he is wearing is a 10 lacs.

We ask her to take the money from there and to leave the house. She takes the money from there and keeps it at the temple she says that she has not came to that house only to take those thousand rupees but she has came there to tell them something.

She tells him that Mahesh may a will where he wrote that each and every property as well as the business is going to Preeta .Prithvi tells that she must be dreaming of all this. She says that she knows that they would not believe that so she has brought the proof.

She gives the documents to Rakhi ,Rakhi reads the documents and finds that the documents are original. Prithvi tells that Mahesh has given two properties to him and that is the final thing. Preeta says that and after that he has again change to the will in which he has declared clearly that each and every property and with the business will be going to Preeta.

She says that she knows that they must ask this question that when Mahesh did all this was he absolutely fine and that’s why he also brought a doctor with him who has stated and given the certificate that everything is ok and fine with Mahesh and the moment he had made the certificate.

Everyone gets shocked to know that Preeta is the owner of the Luthra house as well as the business. Preeta says that which we did not even think before saying that why will Mahesh give the properties to him. She tells that he never thought that why will Mahesh do all this because Prithvi is one for the family.

On the other hand Natasha things that she must get married to Karan, she thinks that why has Preeta came back to the house. She decides to go and stand beside the look for family. And make them realize that she is their coming daughter-in-law of that house.

Preeta tell that everyone knows that how much Mahesh used to love her and how much he loves her and that is the only reason why he has given all the properties and business to her. She says that the story she is telling is true and the story that Prithvi is telling is false.

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