Anupama S01 Ep 449,16th December 2021: Anupama gets angry on anuj


Paritosh asks anuj if he needs anything or not.Anuj says that he don’t need anything now.Paritosh tells that he is leaving and going home and he will later visit him again.He tells anupama that he is leaving anupama gives him burger for pakhi and tells leela to have her medicines.

Then anupama tells anuj to have the kara,anuj denies to drink it.Both of them start arguing and then anuj goes and sits in the sofa.Anupama gives him the kara and tells him to have it.She tells that she will count upto ten.Anuj drinks the kara.

Anupama gives a toffee to him he gets happy.Anuj decides to tell anupama about malvika he calls her .Anupama also thinks that she should ask him that why is he so much worried .But before they could start any conversation the door bell rings.

Sarma and nandini does exercise.Samar tells nandini that they should get married.Nandini asks that why he suddenly thought about getting married.Samar tells that he always thought that he will say her this when the time will come.He tells that it is the wedding season going on.

Nandini tells him that she is ready to get married and tells him to tell Leela that and decide the wedding date. Anuj tells that when people come to visit a patient in foreign countries they say get well soon but in India people discuss the problems they or their relatives had to face.

Anuj tells that he was just joking.Anuj tells that the doctor has also given him the permission to go out and it is only due to anupama.Vanraj also paises anupama.Anupama fells shy.Vanraj invites them for the party .Anuj tells that he will be not able to go due some meeting.

On the otherhand husmukh feels afraid that vanraj is doing anything bad or not. Leela tells him not to worry and everything will be ok.Husmukh tells that he also wish that everything is fine.Vanraj gets ready.Kavya watches him and thinks that why is he even doing all this.

Vanraj tells her that he wears a black suit leela put the kala tika to save him from evil. Kavya start thinking that what will he do in the party that will change everything. Anuj gets ready to mate Malvika Anupama helps him to get ready. Anuj turns around and find some people standing behind him.

Anupama asks him to take care of himself he says that GK will be with him Anupam ask same to have the medicine at the right time. Anupama tells that samar has reached there and they must leave Anuj call Anupama from behind. She asks that why is he calling he says that he just want to see her.

Anup my leaves for the party, Malvika enters the party and she falls down. People come to help her she says that nothing has happened to her Anupama watches all this from behind. She thinks that vanraj it has given such a big party she tries to find out where is vanraj.

Vanraj comes there and asks that whether she is looking for him Anupama tells that she does not have any one of their so yes she was looking for him. He asked her that how is he locking she says that he is looking different.Vanraj tells that his life will be changing after this.

On the other hand Anuj and GK goes to meet Malvika. GK ask him that whether he is ok or not he says that he is extremely happy he will be meeting her after such a long time he will be speaking with her. The family reaches party. Jignesh ask Hasmukh and Leela to ask vanraj that whether he is doing right things or not.

Read more | Anupama 17th December promo: Vanraj introduces his business partner Malvika 👉👉👉

Leela tells that she is confident about her son he can do nothing wrong. Pakhi asks Anupama that where is vanraj she tells that she will go and meet him and tells that she will also make a phone call. Malavika changes her shoes she starts finding food, because she feels hungry.

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