Meet 30th November 2021 : Meet and Meet Ahlawat Romance


The family prepares to go to sleep. Deep comes home and says that he is a very important thing to inform everyone.Meet ahlawat asks that what does he want to say.

Deep tell that meet was trying for foreign investors invest in their company for a long time.Meet ahlawat tells yes. Deep says that the foreign investors have showed they are interested in investing in their company.

All of them get excited he says that he have fixed the meeting at 4 a.m.. Babita tells that she is extremely happy for him. She says that they will not sleep and will encourage meet.

The family sits together in the whole and they decide to play some games to pass their time. On the other hand dadi starts finding Manushi and does not find her in the bed she thinks that she will come soon.

Suddenly she finds Manushi and Kunal’s shadow outside the room. She find both of them doing romance. She wakes up and goes outside your room and tries to find out what is happening.

She finds no one she turns around and finds that Manushi is already in her bed. Suddenly she remembers what Manu she has told earlier. She gets shocked and starts crying for her mistake.

Manushi kids happy thinking that she has done everything according to the plan and now dadi will herself make place for her and Kunal in that house.

Chabi goes to Masoom and says that she will be very proud of her today because she has done something which will make everyone laugh on meet.

She says that she has mixed some sleeping pills in the food of meet.Meet and meet ahlawat starts playing the game. And after a while Masoom understand set by mistake Chabi had mixed pills in meet ahlawat’s food.

Meet and meet Ahlawat comes close to each other. On the other hand dadi goes to anubha and tells whatever that has happened. Anubha gets angry on Manushi.

Meet ,Babita and deep takes meet ahlawat to the room.Deep thinks that how will he attain the meeting with the investors.

Meet goes to bring the lime juice for him but meet ahlawat asks her stay over there. He says his mother that he always told that his love will return to his life. By mistake he tells that he loves Manushi. Everyone gets shocked.

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