Anupama Update : Anuj’s confession of love for Anupamaa


In the upcoming episode it will be seen that anuj reaches the shah house he asks them not to insult anupama and they can say whatever they to him.

He tells that he is there only as a friend of anupama vanraj gets angry he shouts at anuj and hold him he asks him to tell the truth.

Vanraj asks him to admit that he is not only anu’s friend and he also loves anupama .Anuj breas his silence and tells that yes he loves anu .

He say that he loves her not only from today but since 26 years and he also loves her today.Anupama over hears the conversations and gets shocked.

It will be interesting to see that how Anupama will react to all this.Stay tuned with us for more spoilers and updates.

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