The Tollywood superstar Dev has started shooting for the third schedule of his upcoming film by Byomkesh Durgorahasyo. The fans are very excited to know when will be the movie released in the theatres.
Posting a photo from the Shooting location he caption the picture,”Hello @Jharkhand
#byomkeshdurgorashyo 3rd schedule begins from today ✌🏻”(sic).
In the Instagram post it can be seen that he is recently in Jharkhand shooting for the movie. Before this he also posted some series of picture where he should be in Madhya Pradesh.
‘And it’s a wrap for Schedule No.2 of #ByomkeshODurgoRahashya at MADHYA PRADESH! Super Hot, Super Tough But Super Worth it!Get ready for some never seen before visuals.. Onto Schedule No.3!Wish us Luck!🙏🏻'(sic).Dev wrote posting the photos.