Zee TV Kundali Bhagya latest episode update

Kundali Bhagya

Kundali Bhagya latest episode update: In the latest episode It is seen that Rishabh gets ready for the nilami. On the other hand Rakhi gets angry on Rishabh for not having the breakfast.

Kavya comes and tells that she will bring the phone and Preeta must call Rishabh and ask him to come to the house and have the breakfast.

Preeta calls Rishabh and he cuts the call because he is in a meeting. But Kavya again calls him and put the call on a video call.

Rishabh receive the call and all the members in the meeting starts laughing because the screen was connected to the projector.

Preeta scolds him in front of everyone later she says that it is due to Kavya she had to do the acting. Rishabh says that he has an important meeting and he should go there.

Rishabh asks her to manage every thing at home she says that he should not worry because she will be managing everything over there.

Rakhi asks Preeta about Rishabh she says that he is in an important meeting and he has told her to give the blessings to him.

She says that her blessings are always with her son. On the other hand Rishabh bids for 360 crores which shocks everyone.

A guy tells Mayank that they can’t win because Rishabh Luthra is the best hoteliers in the country. He says that it there was is also the best hoteliers in London.

Arjun gets ready. He picks Mayank’s call and learns that Rishabh’s bidding amount is 360 crores. He asks him to bid for 450 crores.

But at last Rishabh wins the auction.Rajshiv says that he liked Rishabh’s offer and announces that Rishabh won the auction.

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