Imlie 2nd February 2022 Spoiler Alert : Aditya misunderstands imlie


Aditya and Malini speak to each other. Malini tells him that she was feeling very alone when he was not with her.

Aparna comes and tells Malini that it is the mistake that she has made. She says that she was not with the family when they were facing a hard time.

Malini tells that everyone is only speaking about Imlie. Aparna says that it is true that Imlie has saved Aditya there is nothing wrong in it.

Aparna asks Aditya that why he did not go to her until thank you at least for once Aditya says that Imlie went to the Pagdandiya. Only for Aryan and not for him.

He says that he doesn’t want to see her. On the other hand Aryan switches off the light of Imlie’s room and she gets afraid.

She sees the reflection of her own in the mirror and start screaming Aryan puts on the light and asks her that is screaming

Imlie says that she got afraid by seeing her own reflection in the mirror. She understands that Aryan is still having fever.

She asks him to take some medicine but he denies to take any medicine and goes from there.Later on Malini holds Aditya’s hand.

Aditya that why is she holding his hand because they are not husband and wife. She says that she should not think like this. She says that she only wanted to connect him with the child.

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